December 17, 2015

Craciun Fericit! / Merry Christmas!

Happy Birthday, Lord Jesus!

Trei Crai de la Rasarit - una dintre colindele mele preferate
Three Kings from The East - one of my most loved traditional Romanian Christmas carols
The lyrics tell the story of the three Magi who are searching for the new-born baby Jesus

Aici, pe YouTube, doua versiuni muzicale ale acestei colinde
YouTube videos here presented: two musical versions of this carol

The Romanian "Madrigal" Consort, Donald Nally - guest conductor, Petru Cioltan - soloist
Recorded live at Resurrection Catholic Church, Chicago, 2006
YouTube video: ClassicalMusic

The "Evloghia" Choir
The "Sfantul Ioan Rusul" Group, Concert at Irecson Institute, 2008
YouTube video: Corul Bizantin Misionar EVLOGHIA

De asemenea, momente frumoase de Craciun impreuna cu Nat King Cole

Also, beautiful Christmas moments with Nat King Cole singing
The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You)

YouTube video: Nat King Cole



November 30, 2015

Mister Albastru / Blue Colours Mistery

Albastra noapte
E toata ploaie argintie,
Un vis de-nalta poezie,
De cantec si de soapte.
- Al. Macedonski, Excelsior (fragment) - 
The blue night
Is all a silvery rain,
A dream of superior poem,
Of song and of whispers.

Distinsa domnisoara care apare in aceasta serie de portret este Andreea Retinschi, fotograf profesionist.
The distinguished Ms. who appears in this portrait series is Andreea Retinschi, professional photographer.
Andreea Retinschi Photography -

November 29, 2015

Bucharest Photo Week

2014 - Nude Photography Workshop

Workshop condus de dnul Dan Samoila, fotograf profesionist
Workshop conducted by Mr. Dan Samoila, professional photographer
Dan Samoila - Red Carpet Studio

November 27, 2015

Bucuresti - Festival Medieval la Curtea Veche / Bucharest - Medieval Festival at The Old Court Palace Museum

Archaeological evidence shows that the area where Bucharest City exists now is an old cradle of civilization.
Artifacts from the Neolithic age, artifacts confirming the presence of inhabitants after the retreat of the Roman administration (271 - 275) from the originally Dacian territories which were conquered in 105 - 106, were found.
Archaeology shows that, during the IIIth - XIIIth centuries, a village inhabited by farmers and agriculturalists was flourishing on this land.
In the second half of the XIVth century, a fortress having brick walls was built here.

Replacing this brick wall fortress, Vlad III built, in 1458 - 1459, a citadel having stone walls. With his citadel begins the history of The Bucharest Old Court Palace.
In the document issued by Vlad III on the 20th September 1459, the name "Bucuresti" is stated regarding the stone wall citadel he had built. So far, it is the oldest known document in which the name "Bucuresti" is mentioned.

Vlad III, Voivode of Wallachia (1448; 1456-1462; 1476)
Painting dated 16th century
Museum at Ambras Castle, Innsbruck, Austria
credit: Public domain
Vlad III is also known as Vlad Tepes / Vlad the Impaler or Vlad Dracula.
It is believed that Bram Stoker named his literary creation, Count Dracula the vampire, being inspired by the Vlad III's patronymic, Dracula.

The period of maximum thrivingness of The Old Court Palace was during the reign of Constantin Brancoveanu.
He largely rebuilt it and redecorated it.

Constantin Brancoveanu, Prince of Wallachia (1688-1714)
Illustration in the Dictionary of Varinus Favorinus, 1712
Author of the illustration: Alessandro della Via
credit: Public domain
Constantin Brancoveanu strongly encouraged arts, architecture, culture.

In 1798, the area of The Bucharest Old Court Palace was divided into lots and sold by auction to boyars and merchants.

The Bucharest Old Court Palace, today The Old Court Palace Museum, is the oldest feudal monument in Bucharest.

Source of the here-above presented history information: The Old Court Palace Museum

Photographs taken during The Medieval Festival "The Princely Court", which took place within
The Bucharest Old Court Palace Museum in the autumn of 2015

November 15, 2015


All the materials (photography, graphic arts, graphics, video, text) presented on the Visual Arts blog are signed by Lucia Simion and are the property of Lucia Simion. Exceptions to this are the materials (photography, graphic arts, graphics, video, text) for which, at the respective Visual Arts blog posts, other explanatory notes are presented.

The materials (photography, graphic arts, graphics, video, text) presented on the Visual Arts blog that are not signed by Lucia Simion are the property of their respective owners. Please, respect the copyright rights of these persons.

The materials (photography, graphic arts, graphics, video, text) presented on the Visual Arts blog that are not signed by Lucia Simion are presented here only for educational purpose, for the purpose of information and only with good intentions.

Regarding any material (photography, graphic arts, graphics, video, text) which is the property of Lucia Simion and is presented on the Visual Arts blog: without the preceding written consent of the owner of the copyright, it is strictly forbidden any use or copy of it.

Toate materialele (fotografie, grafica, video, text) prezentate pe blogul Visual Arts sunt semnate Lucia Simion si sunt proprietatea Lucia Simion, conform cu Legea  nr. 8/1996 privind dreptul de autor si drepturile conexe.
Fac exceptie de la aceasta materialele (fotografie, grafica, video, text) pentru care, in postarile respective, se fac alte precizari.

Versiunea in limba engleza a fiecarui text prezentata pe blogul Visual Arts este semnata Lucia Simion si este proprietatea Lucia Simion.
Fac exceptie de la aceasta textele in limba engleza pentru care, in postarile respective, se fac alte precizari.

Nici un material proprietatea Lucia Simion (fotografie, grafica, video, text) prezentat pe blogul Visual Arts nu poate fi utilizat sau copiat, integral sau partial, fara acordul scris prealabil al posesorului drepturilor de autor si / sau drepturilor conexe.

Materialele (fotografie, grafica, video, text) prezentate pe blogul Visual Arts care nu sunt semnate Lucia Simion sunt proprietatea persoanelor care detin drepturile de copyright pentru ele. Va rog, respectati drepturile de copyright ale acestor persoane.
Textele care nu sunt semnate Lucia Simion sunt prezentate pe blogul Visual Arts numai cu rolul de comentarii poetice pentru imaginile (fotografie, grafica, video) pe care le insotesc in postarile respective, numai in scop educational, in scop de informare si numai cu bune intentii.
Versiunea in limba engleza a unui text care nu este semnat Lucia Simion este prezentata pe blogul Visual Arts numai in scop educational, in scop de informare si numai cu bune intentii.
Materialele (fotografie, grafica, video) prezentate pe blogul Visual Arts care nu sunt semnate Lucia Simion sunt prezentate aici numai in scop educational, in scop de informare si numai cu bune intentii.


1) Florin Vasiliu si Brandusa Steiciuc, Interferente lirice, Editura Dacia, 1989
1.1) RITM: Matsuo Basho (pg. 154), Buson (pg. 203), Octavio Paz (pg. 222), Ruben Vela (pg. 224), Ion Pillat (pg. 237)
1.2) Lunile planetei Haumea Giuseppe Ungaretti (pg. 221)
1.3) Portret nr. 3 - Introspectie (Triptic) Choi Takada (pg. 216)
1.4) Vis de Vara Virgil Teodorescu (pg. 256)
1.5) Seasons: Kikaku (pg. 198), Haishin (pg. 200), Kobayashi Issa (pg. 205), Hekigodo Kawahigashi (pg. 214), Aurel Rau (pg. 253), Marin Sorescu (pg. 254), Liliana Gradinaru (pg. 262)
1.6) Ascensiune (Diptic) Ion Pachia Tatomirescu (pg. 264)
1.7) A sosit primavara - I Constantin Severin (pg. 259)
1.8) Ziua Internationala a Femeii George Macovescu (pg. 262)
1.9) Lady in Blue Matsuo Basho (pg. 233)
1.10) Jazzy Winter Mioara Gheorghe (pg. 267)

2) Matsuo Basho, Pinul din Karasaki, Editura Haiku, 1993
2.1) Proiecte fotografice - "Revista mea" (pg. 26; pg. 37)
2.2) Poarta (Triptic) (pg. 52)
2.3) Seasons (pg. 44)
2.4) Nopti prin Bucuresti (pg. 42)

3) Matsuo Basho, Note de drumetie, Editura Eminescu, 1998
3.1) Seasons (pg. 51)
3.2) Usa Rosie (pg. 74)
3.3) Intr-o dupa-amiaza (pg. 93)
3.4) Ziua Mondiala a Oceanelor (pg.107)

4) Rabindranath Tagore, Versuri, Editura Tineretului, 1966
4.1) RITM (pg. 206)
4.2) Jazzy Summer (pg. 141)
4.3) Introspectie II (pg. 135)

5) Rainer Maria Rilke, Poeme franceze, Editura Scripta, 1995
5.1) RITM (pg. 114)

6) Paul Eluard, Poezii, Editura Tineretului, 1967
6.1) RITM (pg. 40)
6.2) Valentine' s Day (pg. 163)
6.3) Spatii - I (pg. 199)
6.4) Zilele Teatrului pentru inimi tinere (pg. 66)

7) Federico Garcia Lorca, Carte de poeme, Editura Univers, 1986
7.1) RITM (pg. 397)
7.2) Spatii - II (pg. 160)
7.3) Jazzy Autumn (pg. 404)
7.4) Night Visions (pg. 166)
7.5) Parfum de primavara (pg. 129)
7.6) Rasarit de soare (pg. 234)
7.7) Vis de vara (pg. 103)

8) Nichita Stanescu, Poezii, Editura Minerva, 1988
8.1) RITM (pg. 55)
8.2) Luni dimineata (pg. 115)
8.3) Timpul (pg. 238)

9) Al. Macedonski, Excelsior, Editura pentru Literatura, 1968
9.1) Mister Albastru (pg. 82)

10) Valori eterne ale poeziei hispane, Editura Minerva, 1991
10.1) Usa Rosie II (pg. 67)

November 03, 2015

October 31, 2015

'Nu ardeti cartile!' / 'Do Not Burn The Books!'

Expozitie de fotografie - 2015

Photography exhibition - 2015

Expozitie organizata de Asociatia 'Bucurestiul meu drag'
Tema expozitiei este inspirata din filmul "Fahrenheit 451" de Francois Truffaut

Exhibition organized by The 'My Dear Bucharest' Association
The exhibition theme is inspired from the movie "Fahrenheit 451" by Francois Truffaut

October 25, 2015


'Anotimpuri bucurestene' - un poem fotografic
Orasul si parcurile sale

'Bucharest Seasons' - a photographic poem
The City and its Parks

Vremuri de Toamna / Autumn Times

Spiritul peste ape:
un om asculta
zgomotul poemelor.
- Aurel Rau, Haiku -
The spirit over waters:
a man listens for
the sound of poems.

October 24, 2015

Teatro Scalzo

Compagnia Teatro Scalzo

Interview with Ms. Bianca Barletta and Mr. Cesare Mancuso

Compagnia Teatro Scalzo, based in Genova, Italy, was founded in the year 2001 by Ms. Bianca Barletta and Mr. Cesare Mancuso.
Teatro Scalzo is specialized in theater for children, street theater, music bands, comic theater, medieval shows, social theater.
I saw shows presented by Teatro Scalzo in Bucharest, in three different years, in The "B-Fit! in the Street!" International Street Theater Festival and in The "Childhood Memories" Festival.
This autumn, Bianca and Cesare very kindly offered me an interview. Here is the interview.

Why was Teatro Scalzo born?
Bianca: The Company was born from the need to say something. Also, we want to exist as a group of artists, not as individual actors or performers.

Thereby, what Teatro Scalzo means to you?
Bianca: We have the possibility to give artistic forms to ideas and feelings and, in this way, to send messages to people, to fight for our conceptions about life, to be free and independent. For these reasons, we are often alone.

What do you mean, Bianca, by being alone as a Theater Company?
Bianca: When one fights for his / her rights, often people do not support that person's ideals because it is easier to be on the side of the power.

I believe that your work is great, equally for your public and for you.
For your public, because you bring, by hugging people in the street through the funny characters you impersonate, a little bit of warmth in the people's hearts. I believe that, for your public, your work is in truth much more than entertainment, it is about them feeling warm feelings through Chichi's hug, for example.
For you, also because with the street theater you can observe people in many regions of the world.
Cesare: You have expressed a thought which is invisible for a lot of people. You are right, when we hug with people, it is a sincere hug! With Chichi & Coco we performed in different countries, and the reaction of people is the same.

What makes you to be enthusiastic about Teatro Scazlo?
Bianca: We love to work with and for children, they are the hope for a better world. For example, South Korea invited us to perform at the opening ceremonies for the new "Asia Cultural Center for Children", the biggest cultural project of South Korea for young people. They invited us because they watched our video clip and they like our work. Teatro Scalzo enthusiastically travels in Italy, in countries in Europe, in countries in Asia, in far countries!
Cesare: We try to put in all our shows a message, an ideal, a wish for a better world. We promote moral values like solidarity, forgiveness, self-acceptance, the capacity to love, the capacity to see in the diversity of persons a spiritual richness of our world, a spiritual value that enriches our souls, thereby the capacity to accept a person who is different from us.
We also promote the idea of recycling materials in creative ways.
We play funny characters and funny performances.

What is the greatest satisfaction Teatro Scalzo offers to you?
Cesare: To express our ideas and emotions in performances and shows.
The fact that we are invited at international festivals - Romania, France, Spain, Switzerland, Croatia, Slovenia, Malta, Thailand, South Korea - represents for us a great satisfaction and a confirmation that our work is good. For us, each show, performance or animation, little or big, is important.
And another thing: when we perform abroad, we have the opportunity to meet interesting, friendly, great people everywhere in the world. This equally means very much to us.

Please, tell us about The Forundio Festival, the summer festival Teatro Scalzo is organizing.
Cesare: All the shows in The Forundio Festival are offered to the public for free. Each year the shows are different from the shows in the previous years.
The festival is entirely produced and realized by a group of friends; we do not have any financial contribution from the government. Therefore, the agenda of the festival depends on the budget.
Bianca: During four days at the end of July, up on the mountain, the most important thing is the conviviality! The festival represents a beautiful experience, many people come because they know the festival. Children also love it, they are free to safely play, to safely run, to safely climb the trees.....

What inspires you when you create a new show?
Cesare: Usually it is like this: something happens that touches us, and from this little sensation we work to create a show that expresses our ideas and feelings. When the show is designed in its final shape, we believe that this show represents the perfect way to explain our vision.

What future plans do you have for Teatro Scalzo?
Cesare: We present our performances in Italy. But here, in Italy, in some cultural circuits only some artistic groups play.
Bianca: We present our work abroad, and we are honored by the interest we find in different countries for our shows.

Teatro Scalzo was present in Bucharest more than once, and it also performed in Sibiu. How was your experience in Bucharest, in Romania?
Cesare: We have a beautiful experience in Romania. Sibiu is a great city. Bucharest is the capital of Romania and one can feel this.

Would you like to express a message for your fans in Romania?
Cesare: Every time when I come to Romania, I study some words in Romanian language. So, I say to everyone:
Va multumim! Va imbratisam!
We want to say 'thank you' to all the people. They are always giving us a warm welcome. We hug you all!

Bianca, Cesare, thank you very much for this interview.
I wish you and Teatro Scalzo all the best! God bless you!
Bianca and Cesare: Thank you, Lucia, for your attention to our theater.
All the best for you too!
We hope to see you and all our Romanian friends soon!

September 30, 2015