November 19, 2016


Expozitie personala de fotografie si grafica digitala

Personal Photography and Digital Art Exhibition

copyright: Lucia Simion

Expozitia personala de fotografie si grafica digitala "JAZZ FEELINGS" contine:
- sectiunea print: 17 fotografii, 1 panou cu versuri, 1 fotografie portret dn Florian Lungu - ca invitatul de onoare si persoana careia ii este dedicata expozitia, 2 panouri albe pentru a fi completate de catre vizitatori
- sectiunea video: 19 imagini grafica digitala, 5 fotografii
Modalitatea de prezentare a lucrarilor: hartie mata, fara rama.
Expozitia "JAZZ FEELINGS" nu este cu vanzare.

The "JAZZ FEELINGS" photography and computer graphic arts personal exhibition contains:
- the print section: 17 photographs,1 print containing a haiku, 1 portrait photography of Mr. Florian Lungu - as the guest of honour and the person to whom the exhibition is dedicated, 2 white prints to be written by the visitors
- the video section: 19 computer graphic arts images, 5 photographs
The display of the works: matte paper, no frame.
The exhibition "JAZZ FEELINGS" does not contain prints for sale.

Comunicat de presa / The Press Release 

   Asociatia Nationala pentru Arte Vizuale Contemporane (ANAV) va invita
 la vernisajul expozitiei de fotografie si grafica digitala "JAZZ FEELINGS" semnata Lucia Simion,
vineri 11 nov 2016, ora 19.00, la Gallery, in str. Leonida, nr. 9-11
Pe Lucia Simion o puteti cunoaste mai bine accesandu-i blogul:
Expozitia poate fi vizitata de luni pana sambata, intre orele 14-21, pana pe data de 17 noiembrie 2016

Jazz-ul este.....plin de energie, plin de sentimente, plin de imagine, plin de ritm, plin de arta,
plin de spontaneitate, plin de indrazneala, plin de creativitate, plin de expresivitate.....simti atunci cand il simti, inima iti este plina.....

Cum simti tu jazz-ul?
In ce calatorii interioare te invita, te calauzeste jazz-ul?
Ce anume din tine insuti descoperi atunci cand asculti jazz?
Ce sentimente, ce emotii, ce idei iti umplu sufletul atunci cand asculti jazz?
Ce imagini evoca muzica de jazz in universul tau interior? Cum simti tu aceste imagini?
Ce anume din tine insuti simti ca te invita jazz-ul sa exprimi?

La aceste intrebari, precum si la altele de acest fel si la raspunsurile pentru ele te invita
expozitia de fotografie si grafica digitala “Jazz Feelings” semnata Lucia Simion

Grafician si fotograf, Lucia Simion exprima, in aceasta expozitie, o parte din universul ei interior,
o parte din calatoria ei spirituala pe care ea are bucuria sa o parcurga atunci cand asculta jazz

Si, cu entuziasm, ea te invita si pe tine sa impartasesti din emotiile, sentimentele, gandurile,
trairile pe care la ai tu atunci cand asculti jazz!

La vernisajul expozitiei il avem ca invitat de onoare pe Florian Lungu
Evenimentul foto-video “Jazz Feelings” este dedicat de catre Lucia Simion dlui Florian Lungu
'Pentru intreaga dvs activitate in lumea jazz-ului, cu tot respectul, distinse domn!'

Atmosfera rafinata a evenimentului va fi subliniata de concertul de seara sustinut de
Gabriela Costa & Alex Man

@ Gallery
11 noiembrie 2016, ora 19
str. Leonida, nr. 9-11

The Press Release (the here above 2 links)

The National Association for Contemporary Visual Arts (ANAV) invites you to the varnishing day of the
"JAZZ FEELINGS" photography and computer graphic arts exhibition signed by Lucia Simion

Jazz music is.....full of energy, full of feelings, full of image, full of rhythm, full of art, full of spontaneity,
full of boldness, full of creativity, full of feel jazz.....and when you feel it,
your heart is full.....

How do you feel jazz music?
In what inner journeys does jazz invites you, guides you?
What feelings, what emotions, what ideas fill your soul when you listen jazz?
What images does jazz music evoke in your inner universe? How do you feel these images?
What from your own soul do you feel that jazz invites you to express?

To these questions, and also to others of the same kind and to the answers for them
the signed by Lucia Simion photography and computer graphic arts exhibition invites you

Graphic arts artist and photographer, Lucia Simion expresses, in this exhibition, a part of her inner universe,
a part of her spiritual journey that she has the joy to experience when she listens jazz

And, enthusiastically, she invites also you to share from your thoughts, emotions,
feelings you experience when you listen jazz!

At the varnishing day of the exhibition we have Mr. Florian Lungu as the guest of honour
The "Jazz Feelings" Photo-Video Event is dedicated by Ms. Lucia Simion to Mr. Florian Lungu
'For all your activity in the world of jazz, with all respect, distinguished Sir!'

The refined atmosphere of this event will be emphasized by the jazz evening concert performed by
Gabriela Costa & Alex Man

@ Gallery

Despre Florian Lungu
About Mr Florian Lungu

Mr. Florian Lungu - the well-known jazz music presenter
in more than 6000 radio broadcasts & more than 1000 television shows
& many live national and international jazz concerts and festivals,
himself organizer of many jazz concerts,
has more than 2000 published articles about jazz music,
himself a jazz musician,
member of The Union of Composers and Musicologists of Romania,
associate Professor of Jazz Music History at the Music University in Bucharest
and at the "Gheorghe Dima" Music Academy in Cluj

Articles about Mr. Florian Lungu (Romanian language)

Despre Gabriela Costa & Alex Man
About Ms Gabriela Costa & Mr Alex Man

Catalog lucrari
Catalogue of works

 Sectiunea print / The Print Section
The Kenny Werner Trio
Bucharest Jazz Festival, 2016

Carmen Lundy
Bucharest Jazz Festival, 2014

Luiza Zan & Hungarian All Stars
Bucharest Jazz Festival, 2015

Mino Cinelu
Bucharest Jazz Festival, 2016

Eugen Gondi Trio feat. Catalin Milea & Bambam Rodriguez
ARCUB Live Open Air Jazz, Blues & More - Bucharest, 2013

Lizz Wright
Bucharest Jazz Festival, 2015

James Carter Organ Trio
ARCUB Live Open Air Jazz, Blues & More - Bucharest, 2013

How do you feel jazz music?
What feelings, what emotions, what ideas fill your soul when you listen jazz?
What from your heart do you feel that jazz music invites you to express?
SHARE with us here!
- Jazz is everything. And for me, more than that!
- A flow of dreams. Sometimes I loose myself
- Beauty. Soul. Life
- I do not listen jazz music
- Ray Charles... jazz music transposes me directly in those times and years of the beginning of this music: a lot of energy
- Emotion, passion, ART!
- Feelings
- A part of my life. Without jazz, life would be a meagre one
- Emotion
- Elite
- It's superb, a sublime form of manifestation. Congratulations for your initiative
- Emotion, sound, dreaming, light and shadow, joy and sadness, all of them together. An evening of dreams, a wonderful evening
- Thrill, ecstasy, pain, dreaming...
- Ritual, lamentation, longing
- Although I cannot say that I am a huge jazz music fan, I attended this event for its atmosphere and I can say that I was not disappointed. The photographs are amazing, they vividly transmit the on stage emotions

How do you feel jazz music?
What feelings, what emotions, what ideas fill your soul when you listen jazz?
What from your heart do you feel that jazz music invites you to express?
SHARE with us here!
- Enthusiasm, vigour, MUSIC! Love it!
- A flow of dreams. Sometimes I loose myself
- Something that reaches one's heart. Good vibrations
- Sea, night, waves, red wine, jazz...
- Jazz music is an experiment. Either you like it or not! I adore it
- Joy, delight, sublime
- A gentle flight over forests and lakes!
- Delight, relaxation!
- Passion, with or without reason?!
- Freedom, energy, improvisation, positive vibrations!

Brannen Temple
Bucharest Jazz Festival, 2015

Bega Blues Band
Bucharest Jazz Festival, 2016

Bega Blues Band
Bucharest Jazz Festival, 2016

Lisa Simone
Bucharest Jazz Festival, 2016

Alex Simu Quartet
Bucharest Jazz Festival, 2014

Terence Blanchard E-Collective
Bucharest Jazz Festival, 2015

Liviu Butoi & The French Connection
Bucharest Jazz Festival, 2015

Tomasz Stanko New York Quartet
ARCUB Live Open Air Jazz, Blues & More - Bucharest, 2013

Lee Konitz Quartet
Bucharest Jazz Festival, 2015

Pedro Negresco Trio
Bucharest Jazz Festival, 2015

Sectiunea video / The Video Section

Dave Douglas
Bucharest Jazz Festival, 2014

Chris Wood
ARCUB Live Open Air Jazz, Blues & More - Bucharest, 2013

Billy Martin
ARCUB Live Open Air Jazz, Blues & More - Bucharest, 2013

Kenny Banks
Bucharest Jazz Festival, 2015

Harry Tavitian
'The Armenian Street' Festival - Bucharest, 2015

Le multumesc distinsilor vizitatori ai expozitiei pentru ca au petrecut cateva momente in universul spiritual al muzicii jazz

Thank you to the distinguished visitors of the exhibition for spending some moments in the spiritual universe of jazz music

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