December 17, 2015

Craciun Fericit! / Merry Christmas!

Happy Birthday, Lord Jesus!

Trei Crai de la Rasarit - una dintre colindele mele preferate
Three Kings from The East - one of my most loved traditional Romanian Christmas carols
The lyrics tell the story of the three Magi who are searching for the new-born baby Jesus

Aici, pe YouTube, doua versiuni muzicale ale acestei colinde
YouTube videos here presented: two musical versions of this carol

The Romanian "Madrigal" Consort, Donald Nally - guest conductor, Petru Cioltan - soloist
Recorded live at Resurrection Catholic Church, Chicago, 2006
YouTube video: ClassicalMusic

The "Evloghia" Choir
The "Sfantul Ioan Rusul" Group, Concert at Irecson Institute, 2008
YouTube video: Corul Bizantin Misionar EVLOGHIA

De asemenea, momente frumoase de Craciun impreuna cu Nat King Cole

Also, beautiful Christmas moments with Nat King Cole singing
The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You)

YouTube video: Nat King Cole