Fotografia este inclusa in prima editie a Albumului oficial de fotografie 'Bucurestiul vazut prin ochii tai', album realizat sub sigla Primariei Municipiului Bucuresti. Fotografia este inclusa si in Calendarul 'Ochiul Magic' 2015, luna octombrie, editat de Primaria Municipiului Bucuresti.
Lucia Simion - Poezie de seara / Evening Poetry I transfered the copyright rights for this photography made by me to The Monuments and Heritage Tourism Administration, institution subordinated to The General Council of Bucharest
The Laureate Diploma is signed by Professor Dr. Sorin Mircea Oprescu, The Mayor of Bucharest.
The photography is included in the first edition of the official photography album 'Bucharest Seen Through Your Eyes', which is edited by The Bucharest City Hall. The photography is also included in the 2015 'The Magic Eye' Calendar, month October, which is edited by The Bucharest City Hall.
Iisus Hristos, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, S-a nascut, a murit pe Cruce si a inviat pentru ca noi, oamenii, sa traim, prin El si impreuna cu El, in reala iubire, prietenie si respect reciproc
At Christmas Eve:
Jesus Christ, The Son of God, was born, died on the Cross and came back to life for us, the human persons, to live in real love, friendship and mutual respect
Evenimentul Cultural "Simfonii pe asfalt", Bucuresti Centrul Vechi - Diana Gheorghe, soprana The "Symphonies on the Asphalt" Cultural Event - Free open-air classical music concerts in Bucharest Old Town