April 01, 2023

Fotografie @ Primaria Municipiului Bucuresti / Photography @ The Bucharest City Hall

 Concurs fotografie sub sigla Primariei Municipiului Bucuresti

Photography Competition under The Bucharest City Hall Logo

2) Asociatia de Dezvoltare Intercomunitara pentru Transport Public Bucuresti - Ilfov (TPBI)
The Communal Development Association for The Public Transport Bucharest - Ilfov

Concursul 'Fotografii - Transportul public din Bucuresti si Ilfov'
The 'Photography - The Bucharest and Ilfov Public Transport' Competition


Sunt 13 fotografii castigatoare utilizate pentru calendarul TPBI 2023.
Fotografia 'Primavara frumoasa' este prezentata, in calendar, in luna aprilie.

Lucia Simion - Primavara frumoasa / Beautiful Spring

There are 13 winning images used for the 2023 TPBI calendar:

site printscreen: Lucia Simion

The 'Beautiful Spring' photography is presented, in the calendar, for the month of April.

1) Primaria Municipiului Bucuresti
The Bucharest City Hall

 Concursul de fotografie 'Ochiul Magic'
'The Magic Eye' Photography Competition


Fotografia este inclusa in prima editie a Albumului oficial de fotografie 'Bucurestiul vazut prin ochii tai', album realizat sub sigla Primariei Municipiului Bucuresti.
Fotografia este inclusa si in Calendarul 'Ochiul Magic' 2015, luna octombrie, editat de Primaria Municipiului Bucuresti.

Lucia Simion - Poezie de seara / Evening Poetry
I transfered the copyright rights for this photography made by me to
 The Monuments  and Heritage Tourism Administration, institution subordinated  to The General Council of Bucharest

The Laureate Diploma is signed by Professor Dr. Sorin Mircea Oprescu, The Mayor of Bucharest.

The photography is included in the first edition of the official photography album 'Bucharest Seen Through Your Eyes', which is edited by The Bucharest City Hall.
The photography is also included in the 2015 'The Magic Eye' Calendar, month October, which is edited by The Bucharest City Hall.

December 23, 2022

In Numele lui Dumnezeu / In God's Name - STOP Terrorism!

In Ajun de Craciun:

Iisus Hristos, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, S-a nascut, a murit pe Cruce si a inviat pentru ca noi, oamenii, sa traim, prin El si impreuna cu El, in reala iubire, prietenie si respect reciproc

At Christmas Eve:

Jesus Christ, The Son of God, was born, died on the Cross and came back to life for us, the human persons, to live in real love, friendship and mutual respect

Wikipedia - 'Amazing Grace' gospel song

hymnary.org - 'Amazing Grace' gospel song

Wikipedia - Gospel music

'Amazing Grace' interpretat de / performed by Judy Collins - video cu versuri / video with the song lyrics

YouTube video & personal text: Gary Downey

'Amazing Grace' interpretat de muzicianul rock heavy metal Dan Vasc

'Amazing Grace' performed by the heavy metal rock singer Dan Vasc

YouTube video: Dan Vasc

'Amazing Grace' interpretat de / performed by Leo Rojas - celtic panflute cover


YouTube video: Leo Rojas - Official

'Amazing Grace' interpretat de / performed by Celtic Woman

YouTube video: Celtic Woman Official

'Amazing Grace' interpretat de / performed by Andrea Bocelli & Alison Krauss

YouTube video: Andrea Bocelli

In memoria victimelor terorismului, de orice fel ar fi acela
In memory of the victims of any kind of terrorism

October 16, 2022

Casa Regala a Romaniei - Centenar / The Royal House of Romania - 100th Aniversary of The Alba-Iulia Coronation

In onoarea Casei Regale a Romaniei
In onoarea Majestatii Sale Regele Mihai I al Romaniei

In Honour of the Royal House of Romania
In Honour of His Majesty King Michael I of Romania

Majestatea Sa Regele Mihai I al Romaniei - Bucuresti, 2014
His Majesty King Michael I of Romania - Bucharest, 2014

Majestatea Sa Regele Mihai I al Romaniei, fiica Sa Principesa Margareta si sotul dansei, Principele Radu - Bucuresti, 2014
His Majesty King Michael I of Romania, His daughter Princess Margret and her husband, Prince Radu - Bucharest, 2014

historia.ro - Incoronarea de la Alba-Iulia

alba24.ro - Incoronarea Regelui Ferdinand la Alba-Iulia, ce s-a intamplat acum 100 de ani

reginamaria.org - Incoronarea Reginei Maria la Alba-Iulia

radioromaniacultural.ro - Portret Regina Maria a Romaniei

Muzeul National Peles - Regina Maria

historia.ro - Regina Maria, iubita de Armata Romana

Facebook - Queen Marie of Romania (pagina Facebook in lba romana)

casamajestatiisale.ro - Regina Maria

casamajestatiisale.ro - Familia Regala a Romaniei

facebook - Regele Mihai I, King Michael of Romania

enciclopediaromaniei.ro - Mihai I de Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen

Wikipedia - Regina Maria a României

Wikipedia - Mihai I al României

Wikipedia - Regina Ana a Romaniei

Wikipedia - Marie of Romania

Wikipedia - Michael I of Romania

Wikipedia - Anne of Romania

June 21, 2022

Ziua Europeana a Muzicii / European Music Day

Evenimentul Cultural "Simfonii pe asfalt", Bucuresti Centrul Vechi - Diana Gheorghe, soprana
The "Symphonies on the Asphalt" Cultural Event - Free open-air classical music concerts in Bucharest Old Town

Agerpres - Ziua Europeana a muzicii

ziarulunirea.ro - Ziua Europeana a Muzicii

European Music Day Association

Wikipedia - Fête de la Musique (english language)

YouTube video here presented:

Pink Floyd / David Gilmour - 'High Hopes'

YouTube video: HDPinkFloyd