December 23, 2022

In Numele lui Dumnezeu / In God's Name - STOP Terrorism!

In Ajun de Craciun:

Iisus Hristos, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, S-a nascut, a murit pe Cruce si a inviat pentru ca noi, oamenii, sa traim, prin El si impreuna cu El, in reala iubire, prietenie si respect reciproc

At Christmas Eve:

Jesus Christ, The Son of God, was born, died on the Cross and came back to life for us, the human persons, to live in real love, friendship and mutual respect

Wikipedia - 'Amazing Grace' gospel song - 'Amazing Grace' gospel song

Wikipedia - Gospel music

'Amazing Grace' interpretat de / performed by Judy Collins - video cu versuri / video with the song lyrics

YouTube video & personal text: Gary Downey

'Amazing Grace' interpretat de muzicianul rock heavy metal Dan Vasc

'Amazing Grace' performed by the heavy metal rock singer Dan Vasc

YouTube video: Dan Vasc

'Amazing Grace' interpretat de / performed by Leo Rojas - celtic panflute cover


YouTube video: Leo Rojas - Official

'Amazing Grace' interpretat de / performed by Celtic Woman

YouTube video: Celtic Woman Official

'Amazing Grace' interpretat de / performed by Andrea Bocelli & Alison Krauss

YouTube video: Andrea Bocelli

In memoria victimelor terorismului, de orice fel ar fi acela
In memory of the victims of any kind of terrorism

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