Expozitie de fotografie - 2015
Photography exhibition - 2015
ARCUB - ARta si CUltura Bucurestiului
Centrul Cultural al Municipiului Bucuresti, ARCUB Hanul Gabroveni, institutie aflata in subordinea Primariei Municipiului Bucuresti, lanseaza candidatura orasului Bucuresti la titlul de Capitala Europeana a Culturii in anul 2021.
Expozitia de fotografie "Bucuresti Optimist" face parte din proiectul de candidatura.
Expozitia este prezentata publicului la Centrul Cultural al Capitalei.
Roy Hargrove Quintet - Bucharest Jazz Festival |
Marching Band (Franta) - Festivalul "George Enescu", Bucuresti Marching Band (France) - The "George Enescu" Festival, Bucharest |
ARCUB - ARt and CUlture of Bucharest
The Cultural Center of Bucharest City, ARCUB Hanul Gabroveni, an institute belonging to The Bucharest City Hall, launches the bid of the city of Bucharest to the title of The European Capital of Culture in the year 2021.
The photography exhibition "The Optimistic Bucharest" belongs to the bid project.
The exhibition is presented to the public at The Cultural Center of Bucharest City.
photo: Lucia Simion |
Bucharest Jazz Festival