September 30, 2015

September 29, 2015

September 25, 2015


Bucuresti, 4 septembrie 2015
Bucharest, 2015 September 4th

Nicu Alifantis & Zan

Nicu Alifantis - 'Umbra' / 'The Shadow'
YouTube video: AlifantisOficial


Bucuresti, 4 septembrie 2015
Bucharest, 2015 September 4th

Nicu Alifantis & Zan

In memory of Florian Pittis

Florian Pittis (1943-2007), here remembered as a folk music singer, was and is very much loved and appreciated by many people for his young and free spirit.

Here, in this YouTube video, Florian Pittis sings in the Romanian folk group "Pasarea Colibri" / "The Hummingbird" the song entitled "Vinovatii fara vina" / "The Guiltless Guilty Men".
The message, the spirit of this song is expressed in its lyrics like:
"I am clean on my body, clean in my soul
I want to understand them and to love
It does not matter how long is my hair
The important thing is how much I think
I want to raise castles of thinking
I want to be allowed to feel how I grow up
It does not matter how long is my hair
Above all things is how much and how I think
YouTube video: Adrian Kargevich

September 24, 2015

'Trecut-au anii...' / 'Years Going By...'

Expozitie de fotografie si acuarela - 2015

Photography & Watercolor Exhibition - 2015

Expozitia prezinta diverse zone din Bucuresti - atmosfera lor in anii '60-'80, prezentata in acuarele semnate de Arh. Gheorghe Leahu, si atmosfera lor in ziua de astazi, prezentata in fotografii semnate de membrii Asociatiei 'Bucurestiul meu drag'

Expozitie organizata de Asociatia 'Bucurestiul meu drag'

Calea Grivitei, zona Agentia CFR

Acuarela semnata Gheorghe Leahu / Watercolor by Gheorghe Leahu

Grivitei Avenue, The Romanian Railroad Agency area

The exhibition presents various areas in Bucharest - their atmosphere in the '60's-'80's, presented in watercolors signed by Mr Gheorghe Leahu, Architect, and their atmosphere today, presented in photographs signed by the members of The 'My Dear Bucharest' Association

Exhibition organized by The 'My Dear Bucharest' Association

September 01, 2015

Lucrari in colectii private / Works in private collections

Grafica / Graphic Arts

Lucia Simion - 'Ceruri albastre, ape adanci' / 'Blue skies, deep waters'

"I like very much not only the artwork, but also its title fills my heart" - the owner

Colectie particulara: Romania
Private collection: Romania

Grafica digitala
Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie fine-art mata Albrecht Durer, 50x57 cm, pe suport 5 mm grosime, fara rama
Digital art
Print: limited edition 1 copy,  50x57 cm Albrecht Durer fine-art matte paper on 5 mm thick support, no frame

Lucia Simion - 'Blue eyes XVI'

Colectie particulara: Elvetia
Private collection: Switzerland

Grafica digitala
Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie fine-art mata Photo Rag, 47x60 cm, pe suport 5 mm grosime, fara rama
Digital art
Print: limited edition 1 copy, 47x60 cm Photo Rag fine-art matte paper on 5 mm thick support, no frame

Lucia Simion - 'Intr-o dimineata insorita II' / 'One sunny morning II'

"She has my attitude" - the owner, jazz musician

Colectie particulara: Romania
Private collection: Romania

Grafica digitala
Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie fine-art mata Turner, 70x70 cm, pe suport 5 mm grosime, fara rama
Digital art
Print: limited edition 1 copy, 70x70 cm Turner fine-art matte paper on 5 mm thick support, no frame

Lucia Simion - 'Blue eyes III'

"I like the narrow colour range and, also, the composition with the eye in the middle of the image, probably a representation of God" - the owner, photographer 

Colectie particulara: Romania
Private collection: Romania

Grafica digitala
Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie fine-art mata Turner, 70x50 cm, pe suport 5 mm grosime, fara rama
Digital art
Print: limited edition 1 copy, 70x50 cm Turner fine-art matte paper on 5 mm thick support, no frame

Lucia Simion - 'Blue eyes V'

"So interesting! And it looks totally great, so much better than I saw it on my computer screen!" - the owner

Colectie particulara: Romania
Private collection: Romania

Grafica digitala
Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie fine-art mata Turner, 40x50 cm, pe suport 5 mm grosime, fara rama
Digital art
Print: limited edition 1 copy, 40x50 cm Turner fine-art matte paper on 5 mm thick support, no frame

6) 'Francesca' - "GOLD"
    'Francesca' - the "GOLD" exhibition (the here above link)

Lucia Simion - 'Francesca'

"I hung it in one of my bedrooms. It looks great!" - the owner

Colectie particulara: Romania
Private collection: Romania

Grafica digitala
Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie fine-art mata Turner, 50x50 cm, pe suport 5 mm grosime, fara rama
Digital art
Print: limited edition 1 copy, 50x50 cm Turner fine-art matte paper on 5 mm thick support, no frame

Lucia Simion - 'Blue eyes IV'

"WOW! It's like a dream in a night with full moon!" - the owner

Colectie particulara: Romania
Private collection: Romania

Grafica digitala
Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie fine-art mata Turner, 60x45 cm, pe suport 5 mm grosime, fara rama
Digital art
Print: limited edition 1 copy, 60x45 cm Turner fine-art matte paper on 5 mm thick support, no frame

Lucia Simion - 'Vis de vara' / 'Summer dream'

"Full of light, colour, exuberance, love for life! This is who we are, we, the Mediterranean souls!" - the owner, architect & photographer, Greece

Colectie particulara: Romania
Private collection: Romania

Grafica digitala
Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie fine-art mata Turner, 45x60 cm, pe suport 5 mm grosime, fara rama
Digital art
Print: limited edition 1 copy, 45x60 cm Turner fine-art matte paper on 5 mm thick support, no frame

3) 'Ochi albastri VI' - Expozitia "Ultramarin" (link la imaginea nr. 2)
    'Blue Eyes VI' - the "Ultramarine" exhibition (link at the no. 2 image)

Lucia Simion - 'Ochi albastri VI' / 'Blue eyes VI'

Colectie particulara: Romania
Private collection: Romania

Grafica digitala
Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie fine-art mata Turner, 55x40 cm, pe suport 3 mm grosime, fara rama
Digital art
Print: limited edition 1 copy, 55x40 cm Turner fine-art matte paper on 3 mm thick support, no frame

2) 'Amintiri' - "Ultramarin"
    'Memories' - the "Ultramarine" exhibition (the here above link)

Lucia Simion - 'Amintiri' / 'Memories'

"My son entered my room, saw the artwork hanging on the wall and, without asking my permission, he took it and hung it on the wall in his room!" - the owner

Colectie particulara: Romania
Private collection: Romania

Grafica digitala
Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie fine-art mata Torchon, 60x40 cm, pe suport 5 mm grosime, fara rama
Digital art
Print: limited edition 1 copy, 60x40 cm Torchon fine-art matte paper on 5 mm thick support, no frame

Lucia Simion - 'Poezie de toamna' / 'Autumn poetry'

Colectie particulara: Romania
Private collection: Romania

Grafica digitala
Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie fine-art mata Turner, 50x70 cm, pe suport 5 mm grosime, fara rama
Digital art
Print: limited edition 1 copy, 50x70 cm Turner fine-art matte paper on 5 mm thick support, no frame

Fotografie / Photography

Lucia Simion - 'Pentru insusi Mos Craciun' / 'For Santa Claus Himself'

Colectie particulara: Romania
Private collection: Romania

Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie format A3 laminata cu folie de plastic
Print: limited edition 1 copy, A3 format paper, plastic thin sheet laminated

Lucia Simion - 'Parfum de toamna' / 'Autumn scent'

"This image, I shall put it in a frame" - the owner

Colectie particulara: Romania
Private collection: Romania

Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie format A3 laminata cu folie de plastic
Print: limited edition 1 copy, A3 format paper, plastic thin sheet laminated

Lucia Simion - '4.45 PM'

"Two women dynamically walking towards outside the image, outside the spring.....I also am a woman walking towards outside the spring of my life.....In your photography I feel dynamism, optimism, good spirits, a goal towards these women are smilingly going to, I can see that something good is going to happen in their lives! The image gives me the feeling that life dynamically goes on! And the white flowers are beautiful, I feel their scent....." - the owner

Colectie particulara: Ungaria
Private collection: Hungary

Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie fine-art mata Photo Rag, 60x45 cm, pe suport 5 mm grosime, fara rama
Print: limited edition 1 copy, 60x45 cm Photo Rag fine-art matte paper on 5 mm thick support, no frame

Lucia Simion - 'Parfum de toamna I' / 'Autumn scent I'

Colectie particulara: Ungaria
Private collection: Hungary

Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie fine-art mata Photo Rag, 60x43 cm, pe suport 5 mm grosime, fara rama
Print: limited edition 1 copy, 60x43 cm Photo Rag fine-art matte paper on 5 mm thick support, no frame

Lucia Simion - 'I am a free spirit'

"I am, myself, a free spirit! I love your photo, Lucia!" - the owner, blues musician, Holland

Colectie particulara: Spania
Private collection: Spain

Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie fine-art mata Turner format A3
Print: limited edition 1 copy, A3 format Turner fine-art matte paper

6) 'Regina Maria a Romaniei (Teatrul 'Masca')' - Salonul Fotografului Roman
    'Queen Mary of Romania (The 'Mask' Theater)' - The Salon of The Romanian Photographer
    (the here above link)

Lucia Simion - 'Regina Maria a Romaniei' / 'Queen Mary of Romania'

"I hold in my heart, for Queen Mary, the deepest respect" - the owner, actress

Colectie particulara: Romania
Private collection: Romania

Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, 50x70 cm, rama metal
Print: limited edition 1 copy, 50x70 cm, metal frame

5) 'Statuile din Pompei (Teatrul 'Masca')' - Salonul Fotografului Roman
    'The Statues in Pompeii (The 'Mask' Theater)' - The Salon of The Romanian Photographer
    (the here above link)

Lucia Simion - 'Statuile din Pompei' / 'The statues in Pompeii'

Colectie particulara: Romania
Private collection: Romania

Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, 50x70 cm, rama metal
Print: limited edition 1 copy, 50x70 cm, metal frame

Lucia Simion - 'Rasarit de Luna Alba' / 'White Moon rising'

Colectie particulara: Romania
Private collection: Romania

Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie fine-art mata Turner, 40x70 cm, pe suport 5 mm grosime, fara rama
Print: limited edition 1 copy, 40x70 cm Turner fine-art matte paper on 5 mm thick support, no frame

Lucia Simion - 'Intr-o dupa-amiaza insorita' / 'One sunny afternoon'

"I have music, I have sunshine, I have warmth.....I have a great day!" - the owner

Colectie particulara: Romania
Private collection: Romania

Print: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie fine-art mata Torchon, 45x60 cm, pe suport 5 mm grosime, fara rama
Print: limited edition 1 copy, 45x60 cm Torchon fine-art matte paper on 5 mm thick support, no frame

2) Afisul expozitiei "Jazz Feelings"
    The poster of the "Jazz Feelings" exhibition (the here above link)

copyright: Lucia Simion

Colectie particulara: Romania
Private collection: Romania

Print: 1 exemplar, hartie Photo Matt Fibre, 40x50 cm
Print: 1 copy, Photo Matt Fibre paper, 40x50 cm

1) 'Poezie in Re Minor' - "RITM"
    'Poetry in D Minor' - the "RHYTHM" exhibition (the here above link)

Licitatie "Help Mihaela!" -
Print pentru licitatie: editie limitata 1 exemplar, hartie fine-art mata Torchon, 75x25 cm, rama lemn
Colectie particulara: Romania

The "Help Mihaela!" auction (the here above link for the press release)
Print for the auction: limited edition 1 copy, Torchon fine-art matte paper, 75x25 cm, wood frame
Private collection: Romania