May 07, 2017

Ziua Mondiala a Rasului / World Laughter Day

Secolul 16.
Asteapta printul un ravas de la iubita.
Trei zile si trei nopti asteapta. 
Nu mananca, nu doarme, nu bea.
In sfarsit, in zare, observa porumbelul mesager.
Fericit, printul scoate repede sigiliul scrisorii si citeste:
'Ascut spade. Ieftin. Garantie 12 luni'.
- o gluma auzita de la o prietena - 

16th century.
The prince is waiting to receive a letter from his beloved lady.
Three days and three nights he waits.
He does not eat, he does not sleep, he does not drink.
Finally he sees, in the distance, the homing pigeon.
Very happy, the prince quickly removes the seal of the letter and reads:
'I sharpen swords. Cheap. 12 months guarantee'.
- a joke heard from a friend -

Les DeDe's (Franta) - Festivalul International de Teatru de Strada "B-Fit in the Street!", Bucuresti
Les DeDe's (France) - "B-Fit in the Street!" International Street Theater Festival, Bucharest

April 03, 2017


Expozitie de Arte Vizuale Contemporane - 2017

Contemporary Visual Arts Exhibition - 2017

Arta digitala
Digital art



Muzica in inimile noastre II
Music in Our Hearts II

Expozitie organizata de Asociatia Nationala pentru Arte Vizuale Contemporane
Exhibition organized by The National Association for Contemporary Visual Arts (ANAV)

March 27, 2017

Ziua Internationala a Teatrului / World Theatre Day

Festivalul International de Teatru de Strada "B-Fit in the Street!" Bucuresti - Shakespeare's Globe (UK), Hamlet
"B-Fit in the Street!" Bucharest International Street Theatre Festival - Shakespeare's Globe (UK), Hamlet

YouTube video here presented: a film adaptation of the play 'Rhinoceros' by Eugene Ionesco.
The play is about the self-alienation of the human person. It is about one keeping his / her humanity, his / her own personality, in a world in which some people do not care who they really are as human beings.

Wikipedia - Eugen Ionescu
Wikipedia - Rinocerii

Wikipedia (English language) - Eugene Ionesco
Wikipedia (English language) - Rhinoceros

YouTube video: Irizu Germain

February 24, 2017

Dragobete / The Traditional Romanian Love Day

Ochii tai in care eu calatoresc
Au daruit serpuirii drumurilor
Un inteles desprins de pamant
- Paul Eluard,  Fara titlu / Untitled (fragment) -
Your eyes in which I voyage
Gave to the winding of the roads
A detached from the earth meaning

Muzica in inimile noastre I
Music in Our Hearts I

January 15, 2017

Ziua Culturii Nationale / The National Culture Day - Mihai Eminescu

January 15th represents the day of birth of the national poet of Romania, Mihai Eminescu (1850 - 1889)
January 15th was therefore established as The National Culture Day in Romania

In onoarea lui Mihai Eminescu
In honour of Mihai Eminescu

Here it is, on YouTube, a totally beautiful moment of poetry and music:
Mihai Eminescu's poem 'Eve on the Hill'
Music: Vasile Popovici
Sings: The National Chamber Chorus 'Madrigal - Marin Constantin'

YouTube video: censored tunes