March 27, 2017

Ziua Internationala a Teatrului / World Theatre Day

Festivalul International de Teatru de Strada "B-Fit in the Street!" Bucuresti - Shakespeare's Globe (UK), Hamlet
"B-Fit in the Street!" Bucharest International Street Theatre Festival - Shakespeare's Globe (UK), Hamlet

YouTube video here presented: a film adaptation of the play 'Rhinoceros' by Eugene Ionesco.
The play is about the self-alienation of the human person. It is about one keeping his / her humanity, his / her own personality, in a world in which some people do not care who they really are as human beings.

Wikipedia - Eugen Ionescu
Wikipedia - Rinocerii

Wikipedia (English language) - Eugene Ionesco
Wikipedia (English language) - Rhinoceros

YouTube video: Irizu Germain

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