June 17, 2015

'Detalii in cotidian' / 'Everyday Details'

Expozitie de fotografie - 2015

Photography exhibition - 2015

Expozitie organizata de Asociatia 'Bucurestiul meu drag'
Tema expozitiei este inspirata din filmul "Smoke" de Wayne Wang si Paul Auster
Cu fotografiile din expozitie s-a alcatuit un album tiparit, pentru a fi donat Muzeului Municipiului Bucuresti

Exhibition organized by The 'My Dear Bucharest' Association
The exhibition theme is inspired from the movie "Smoke" by Wayne Wang and Paul Auster
A photography album was printed with the photographs from the exhibition, for the purpose to be donated to The Museum of Bucharest City

Festivalul International de Fotografie 'Carol Pop de Szathmari' / The 'Carol Pop de Szathmari' International Photography Festival

'Calendar de Bucuresti' - Expozitii de fotografie

'Bucharest Calendar' - Photography exhibitions


Expozitie organizata de Asociatia 'Bucurestiul meu drag'

Expozitia participa la Festivalul International de Fotografie "Carol Pop de Szathmari", editia a 4-a, organizat de Asociatia Internationala 'Euro Foto Art' sub patronajul Ministerului Culturii din Romania

Exhibition organized by The 'My Dear Bucharest' Association

The exhibition is included in The "Carol Pop de Szathmari" International Photography Festival, 4th edition, an event organized by The 'Euro Foto Art' International Association under the patronage of The Ministry of Culture of Romania


Expozitie organizata de Asociatia 'Bucurestiul meu drag'

Expozitia participa la Festivalul International de Fotografie "Carol Pop de Szathmari", editia a 3-a, organizat de Asociatia Internationala 'Euro Foto Art' sub patronajul Ministerului Culturii din Romania

Exhibition organized by The 'My Dear Bucharest' Association

The exhibition is included in The "Carol Pop de Szathmari" International Photography Festival, 3rd edition, an event organized by The 'Euro Foto Art' International Association under the patronage of The Ministry of Culture of Romania

Metroul Bucuresti / The Subway in Bucharest

Expozitie de fotografie "La multi ani, Metroul nostru drag!" - 2014

Photography exhibition "Happy Birthday, Our Dear Subway!" - 2014

Fotografie publicata in revista 'Bucurestiul meu drag' nr. 33 / 2014, pagina 17.
Revista a fost emisa in format pdf.
Published photography in the 'My Dear Bucharest' magazine no. 33 / 2014, page 17.
The magazine was issued as a pdf.

Expozitie organizata de Asociatia 'Bucurestiul meu drag'
Exhibition organized by The 'My Dear Bucharest' Association

Fotografie de la panotarea expozitiei, publicata in revista 'Bucurestiul meu drag' nr. 33 / 2014, pagina 19
Photography from the exhibition organizing day, published in the 'My Dear Bucharest' magazine no. 33 / 2014, page 19

'Bucurestiul in alb si negru' / 'Bucharest in Black & White'

Expozitii de fotografie

Photography exhibitions


Expozitie organizata de Asociatia 'Bucurestiul meu drag'
Exhibition organized by The 'My Dear Bucharest' Association


Evenimentul Cultural "Simfonii pe asfalt", Bucuresti Centrul Vechi - Marta Baceanu, pian
The "Symphonies on the Asphalt" Cultural Event - Free open-air classical music concerts in Bucharest Old Town

creart.ro - "Simfonii pe asfalt" / "Symphonies on the Asphalt"

Expozitie organizata de Asociatia 'Bucurestiul meu drag'
Exhibition organized by The 'My Dear Bucharest' Association

'Blow-Up - Povestea unui detaliu' / 'Blow-Up - The Story of a Detail'

Expozitie de fotografie - 2014

Photography exhibition - 2014

Expozitie organizata de Asociatia 'Bucurestiul meu drag'
Tema expozitiei este inspirata din filmul "Blow-Up" de Michelangelo Antonioni

Exhibition organized by The 'My Dear Bucharest' Association
The exhibition theme is inspired from the movie "Blow-Up" by Michelangelo Antonioni

Dnul Cristian Tudor Popescu prezentand filmul "Blow-Up" la vernisajul expozitiei

Mr Cristian Tudor Popescu, an outstanding filmologist, presenting the movie "Blow-Up" at the varnishing day of the exhibition

Delta Dunarii / The Danube Delta

Expozitie de fotografie "Delta Romaniei" - 2014

Photography exhibition "The Delta of Romania" - 2014

Expozitie organizata de Asociatia 'Bucurestiul meu drag'
Exhibition organized by The 'My Dear Bucharest' Association

'Bucurestiul noaptea' / 'Bucharest by Night'

Expozitie de fotografie - 2014

Photography exhibition - 2014

Festivalul "Visul unor simfonii de vara", Bucuresti - Angelys Symphonic
"Summer Symphonies Dream" Festival - Free open-air classical music concerts in Bucharest city centre

Expozitie organizata de Asociatia 'Bucurestiul meu drag'
Exhibition organized by The 'My Dear Bucharest' Association

Street Delivery

Festivalul urban 'Street Delivery' @ Bucuresti - Expozitii de fotografie

The 'Street Delivery' Urban Festival @ Bucharest - Photography exhibitions


Expozitie organizata de Asociatia 'Bucurestiul meu drag'
Exhibition organized by The 'My Dear Bucharest' Association


Expozitie organizata de Asociatia 'Bucurestiul meu drag'
Exhibition organized by The 'My Dear Bucharest' Association