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Despre mine
Am absolvit Institutul Politehnic Bucuresti, Sectia Mecanica Fina - ingineri.
Am absolvit Scoala de Arta Bucuresti, Sectia Grafica, profesor Dana Grefu.
Am absolvit Scoala de Poetica Fotografica "Francisc Mraz".
Am participat la numeroase workshop-uri de fotografie.
Am participat la numeroase workshop-uri de fotografie.
Am absolvit, la Universitatea Nationala de Arta Teatrala si Cinematografica 'I. L. Caragiale' Bucuresti (UNATC), urmatoarele cursuri ale Scolii de Duminica:
- Introducere in regia de film
- Regie de film si poetici cinematografice
- Scenografie, arta vizuala a teatrului
- Coregrafie: miscare, armonie, ritm
Eu simt fotografia privind-o, in primul rand, ca grafician.
Fiecare dintre noi are o personalitate diferita de a celorlati oameni; fiecare dintre noi vede, simte lucrurile in felul sau propriu, adesea diferit de cel al celorlalti oameni.
Ca persoane, ca artisti, trebuie sa ne respectam reciproc. Aceste diferente intre personalitatile oamenilor reprezinta elementul care imbogateste artele vizuale cu atat de multe si diferite cai de exprimare a inimilor noastre.
Fiecare dintre noi trebuie sa fie cu adevarat, in mod deplin, el insusi, ea insasi.
In anii '90, materialele promotionale pe care le-am creat ca grafician, la Institutul National de Informare si Documentare, mi-au adus postul de Director Departament Marketing in cadrul INID.
In prezent, sunt artist vizual - grafician si fotograf.
Membra in fosta Asociatia Nationala pentru Arte Vizuale Contemporane (ANAV)
Asociatia Nationala pentru Arte Vizuale Contemporane (ANAV) - Facebook
Fiecare dintre noi are o personalitate diferita de a celorlati oameni; fiecare dintre noi vede, simte lucrurile in felul sau propriu, adesea diferit de cel al celorlalti oameni.
Ca persoane, ca artisti, trebuie sa ne respectam reciproc. Aceste diferente intre personalitatile oamenilor reprezinta elementul care imbogateste artele vizuale cu atat de multe si diferite cai de exprimare a inimilor noastre.
Fiecare dintre noi trebuie sa fie cu adevarat, in mod deplin, el insusi, ea insasi.
In anii '90, materialele promotionale pe care le-am creat ca grafician, la Institutul National de Informare si Documentare, mi-au adus postul de Director Departament Marketing in cadrul INID.
In prezent, sunt artist vizual - grafician si fotograf.
Membra in fosta Asociatia Nationala pentru Arte Vizuale Contemporane (ANAV)
Asociatia Nationala pentru Arte Vizuale Contemporane (ANAV) - Facebook
Membra in Asociatia "Bucurestiul meu drag" (ABMD), asociatie de fotografi
About me
I have a degree as a Fine Mechanics engineer - The Polytechnic Institute in Bucharest.
I have a degree as a Graphic Arts artist - The School of Arts in Bucharest, The Graphic Arts Course, Professor Mrs Dana Grefu.
I graduated The "Francisc Mraz" School of Photographical Poetics.
I attended numerous photography workshops.
I attended numerous photography workshops.
At The National University of Theatre and Film 'I. L. Caragiale' in Bucharest, I graduated the following courses of The Sunday School:
- Introduction to film direction
- Film poetry in film direction
- Stage and costume design
- Contemporary dance and body expressiveness
I feel photography looking at it, first of all, with the eyes of a graphic arts artist.
Each of us has a different personality from the rest of the people; each of us sees, feels things in his / her own way.
As persons, as artists, we must respect each other. These differences between the people's personalities represent the element that enriches the visual arts with so many and different ways of expressing our hearts.
Each of us must be truly, fully, himself, herself.
I feel photography looking at it, first of all, with the eyes of a graphic arts artist.
Each of us has a different personality from the rest of the people; each of us sees, feels things in his / her own way.
As persons, as artists, we must respect each other. These differences between the people's personalities represent the element that enriches the visual arts with so many and different ways of expressing our hearts.
Each of us must be truly, fully, himself, herself.
In the '90's, the advertising booklets I designed as a graphic arts artist, at The National Institute for Information and Documentation, brought me the position of the Head of the Marketing Department in this Institute.
Today, I am a visual artist - graphic arts artist & photographer.
Member of the former National Association for Contemporary Visual Arts (ANAV)
- the here above ANAV link -
Member of The 'My Dear Bucharest' Association (ABMD), an association of photographers
Activitate artistica / Artistic Activities
2011 - prezent / today
Expozitie personala - fotografie / Personal Exhibition - Photography
@ KODEX Gallery
'RITM' - Cartea de Impresii / 'RHYTHM' - The Visitor's Book
Expozitie personala - fotografie & grafica digitala / Personal Exhibition - Photography & Digital Art
Expozitie personala - fotografie & grafica digitala / Personal Exhibition - Photography & Digital Art
@ ANAV Gallery
'JAZZ FEELINGS' - Catalog lucrari / Catalogue of Works
'JAZZ FEELINGS' - Catalog lucrari / Catalogue of Works
Expozitie personala - fotografie / Personal Exhibition - Photography
@ European Cultural UNESCO Center in Bucharest
Lucrari in colectii private / Works in private collections
Saloane de fotografie in Romania / Photography Salons in Romania
Primaria Municipiului Bucuresti / The Bucharest City Hall - PMB
Centrul Cultural al Municipiului Bucuresti (PMB) / The Cultural Center of Bucharest City - ARCUB
Expozitie de fotografie - 'Bucuresti optimist' / Photography Exhibition - 'The Optimistic Bucharest'
Asociatia Nationala pentru Arte Vizuale Contemporane / The National Association for Contemporay Visual Arts - ANAV
Evenimente internationale in fotografie/ International Photography Events
Concursuri de fotografie / Photography Competitions
Scoala de Poetica Fotografica "Francisc Mraz" / The "Francisc Mraz" School of Photographical Poetics
Workshop-uri de fotografie / Photography Workshops
Ziua Artei Fotografice in Romania / The Day of the Photography Art in Romania
Asociatia 'Bucurestiul meu drag' / The 'My Dear Bucharest' Association - ABMD
Expozitii de fotografie / Photography Exhibitions
'Drag de Bucuresti' / 'Love for Bucharest' - expozitie online / virtual exhibition
Fotografie publicata - reviste / Published Photography - magazines
Albume fotografie / Photography Albums
Site-uri unde sunt prezenta / Sites where I am present
Always see the best in a person
Have a great day!
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