October 25, 2015


'Anotimpuri bucurestene' - un poem fotografic
Orasul si parcurile sale

'Bucharest Seasons' - a photographic poem
The City and its Parks

Vremuri de Toamna / Autumn Times

Spiritul peste ape:
un om asculta
zgomotul poemelor.
- Aurel Rau, Haiku -
The spirit over waters:
a man listens for
the sound of poems.

Aproape toate crizantemele din fata casei
erau galbene.
Reflexe pe luciul marii.
- Hekigodo Kawahigashi, Haiku - 
Almost all the chrysanthemums in front of the house
were yellow.
 Reflections on the radiance of the sea.

Tramvaiul 5 intr-o noapte cetoasa de toamna
Streetcar 5 in a Foggy Autumn Night

Vremuri de Iarna / Winter Times

Nici cer, nici pamant
doar neaua
cazand, cazand.
- Haishin, Haiku - 
No sky, no land
only snow
falling, falling.

In soarele de iarna
de ger inghetata umbra-mi
ce merge calare
- Matsuo Basho, Haiku -
In the winter sun
by frost frozen shadow of mine
going on horseback

Cu mine se petrece
O viata de om.
- Marin Sorescu, 'Intamplare' / 'Happening' - 
With me it happens
A life of a man. 

Vremuri de Primavara / Spring Times

Primavara, ploaie;
o fetita isi invata pisoiul
sa danseze.
- Kobayashi Issa, Haiku -
Spring, rain;
a little girl teaches her kitten
to dance.

O, bujorii
De dragul carora un vestit razboinic
si-a scos armura.
- Kikaku, Haiku - 
Oh, the peonies
For the sake of which a famous warrior
took off his  armour.

Vremuri de Vara / Summer Times

Soare stralucind.
Umbra staminei neagra
pe albul calei
- Matsuo Basho, Haiku -
 Shining sun.
The black shadow of the stamen
on the white of the calla lily

Festivalul International de Teatru de Strada "B-Fit in the Street!", Bucuresti - Santa Cruz Carnival Group (Spania)
"B-Fit in the Street!" International Street Theater Festival, Bucharest - Santa Cruz Carnival Group (Spain)

I am a free spirit

 Aromele verii
Asezate in camarile
- Liliana Gradinaru, Haiku -
The summer scents
Settled down in the larders
Of the heart

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