Am onoarea de a prezenta, in Cartea de Impresii a expozitiei "RITM", pe cativa dintre distinsii vizitatori ai expozitiei
Le multumesc distinsilor vizitatori ai expozitiei "RITM" care si-au exprimat gandurile pentru Cartea de Impresii a expozitiei
I have the honour to present, in The Visitor's Book of the exhibition "RHYTHM", some of the distinguished visitors of the exhibition
Thank you to the distinguished visitors of the exhibition "RHYTHM" who expressed, in The Visitor's Book, their thoughts about the exhibition
Mihaela Constantin
Despre mine
Am participat la vernisajul expozitiei
Despre expozitia "RITM"
Fotografii ca o fuga de Bach in "ritm" de poezie! O bucurie pentru minte si inima!
About myself
I visited the exhibition at its varnishing day.
About the exhibition "RHYTHM"
Photographs like a Bach fugue in the "rhythm" of a poem! Joy for the mind and for the heart!
Antigona Vechiu
Despre mine
Imi plac decoratiunile interioare hand-made.
Despre expozitia "RITM"
Foarte interesanta surprinderea culorii si a miscarii.
Mi-a placut cromatica in ansamblu a expozitiei, structura cromatica a seriei de fotografii.
Mi-a placut si dinamismul ce rezulta din formatele diferite ale printurilor si din ordinea in care acestea au fost expuse.
Mi-a placut faptul ca am simtit, cu adevarat, ritmul!
Felicitari si pentru selectia versurilor, si ele mi-au deschis sufletul catre spatii nemarginite.......versurile exprima superb conceptul expozitiei.......
About myself
I like hand-made interior decorations.
About the exhibition "RHYTHM"
It is very interesting how the colour and the movement were caught.
I liked the overall chromatics of the exhibition, the chromatic structure of the series of photographs.
I liked the dynamism resulting also from the different sizes of the prints and from the order in which the prints were displayed.
I liked the fact that I really felt the rhythm!
Congratulations also for the selection of the poems, they too opened my heart towards endless spaces.......the poems superbly express the concept of the exhibition.......
Ioannis Stamatogiannis
Despre mine
Sunt nascut in Grecia, Patras.
In anii '80 am absolvit Facultatea de Arhitectura in Romania. Lucrez pana astazi ca arhitect.
Am inceput fotografia in anii '70, cu aparate Konica. In acest domeniu sunt autodidact, am studiat mult. Cunosc foarte bine proceduri de lucru in fotografia pe film. Din 2002 am trecut pe digital.
Pana acum, am facut fotografie pentru mine insumi. Recent, am expus la Salonul Fotografului Roman (ed a 2-a).
Pe langa fotografie, am facut si radio - Radio Nova 21 de la infiintarea sa.
Despre expozitia "RITM"
A fost o placere sa fim langa tine la vernisajul expozitiei tale!
Fotografii semnate Ioannis Stamatogiannis
Photography by Ioannis Stamatogiannis
About myself
I am born in Greece, Patras.
In the '80's I graduated The Faculty of Architecture in Romania; I work until today as an architect.
I started photography in the '70's, with Konica cameras. In this area I studied by myself very much. I know very well how to work with photography on film. Since 2002 I work digital photography.
So far, I have made photography for myself. I have recently exhibited 2 photographs at The Salon of the Romanian Photographer (2nd edition).
Together with photography, I also had activities in radio broadcasting, at Radio Nova 21 from its beginning.
About the exhibition "RHYTHM"
It was a pleasure to join you at the varnishing day of your exhibition!
Viorel Petcu
Despre mine
Relatia mea cu fotografia a inceput acum 10 ani. La inceput, fotografia insemna amintiri de calatorie. In timp, am inceput sa o privesc ca pe un mijloc de evadare din cotidian, din rutina zilnica. Acum, a devenit aproape o necesitate.
Fotografiile mele nu sunt regizate. Imi doresc ca ele sa fie expresii vizibile ale unor trairi de moment.
Cele 3 fotografii pe care le expun aici imi plac pentru ca reprezinta o incursiune in firul vietii umane. "Invatare" si "Sincronicitate" imi amintesc de copilarie si de bunici. "Retrospectiva" se afla la celalalt capat al firului, cand privesti ce ai lasat in urma.
Despre expozitia "RITM"
Expozitia mi-a placut, mi-au placut in special cateva imagini.
M-a impresionat structura unitara a fotografiilor, in dinamismul lor; se simtea, intr-adevar, ritmul!
Apoi, m-a impresionat executia tehnica a printurilor.
Si, nu in ultimul rand, m-a impresionat ospitalitatea gazdei la vernisaj!
Fotografii semnate Viorel Petcu
Photography by Viorel Petcu
![]() |
Invatare / Learning |
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Sincronicitate / Synchronism |
![]() |
Retrospectiva / Retrospective |
About myself
My relationship with photography started 10 years ago. In the beginning, photography meant to me travel memories. In time, I started to see it as a way to escape from the daily routine. Now, it has become almost a necessity.
My photographs contain no art direction. I want them to be visible expressions of instant emotions.
The 3 photographs I am showing here, I like them because they represent an incursion in the human life. "Learning" and "Synchronism" remind me of childhood and grandparents. "Retrospective" is about the other end of the road, when one looks back in his/her life to see what he/she is leaving behind.
About the exhibition "RHYTHM"
I liked the exhibition, particularly some of the images.
I was impressed by the unitary structure of the photographs, in their dynamism - the rhythm was really there to be felt!
I was also impressed by the technical execution of the prints.
And, last but not least, I was impressed by the hospitality I found at the varnishing day of the exhibition!
Rodica Sangeorzan
Despre mine
Pot spune ca descoperirea Bucurestiului este ceea ce ma intereseaza si chiar ma pasioneaza.
Despre expozitia "RITM"
Multumesc pentru momentul de incantare avut la vizitarea expozitiei "RITM". Minunata imbinare a diafanelor fotografii cu poeziile! Felicitari!
About myself
I have to say that what I am interested in, even captivates me, is discovering Bucharest.
About the exhibition "RHYTHM"
Thank you for the moment of delight I had when I visited the exhibition "RHYTHM". Wonderful combination of the diaphanous images with the poems! Congratulations!
Mona Caraman
Despre mine
Pentru mine, fotografia a ramas, cel putin pana in acest moment, un refugiu strict personal. Este ceva ce ma ajuta sa "exersez" in a descoperi, prin intermediul obiectivului aparatului de fotografiat, alte interpretari atat ale realitatii cat si ale simtirii mele.......un exercitiu al unei pasiuni artistice care ma face fericita. Dar, repet, intr-un mod strict personal; fara postari pe site-uri de socializare, fara share-uri, fara like-uri.
Despre expozitia "RITM"
Am ajuns si eu azi la expozitia ta de la KODEX. Felicitari, gagico! Seara frumoasa! Mona
(mesaj sms)
About myself
To me, so far photography remains a strictly personal refuge. It is something that helps me "practice" in discovering, through the camera lenses, new interpretations of both the reality and of how I feel about the reality.......a study within a passion about an art that makes me happy. But, I say it again, in a strictly personal way; no photography posts on the internet social sites, no 'share', no 'like'.
About the exhibition "RHYTHM"
I went today to see your exhibition at KODEX. Congratulations, girl! Have a nice evening! Mona
(mobile phone text message)
Mihai Andries
Despre mine
Sunt o persoana pasionata de fotografie. Ma intereseaza sa studiez mai mult in acest domeniu; imi doresc sa aprofundez modalitatile de exprimare in arta fotografiei.
Am participat, pana acum, la 3 expozitii de grup: "Mica lume mare" 2014 (fotografie macro), "Romania 2014", "Dragobetele saruta fetele" 2015. Particip in prezent, cu o serie de 6 fotografii, la "Detaliile in cotidian" - o expozitie de grup pe o tema inspirata din filmul "Smoke".
Despre expozitia "RITM"
Am ramas placut surprins de idee si ce tare a iesit.......s-au imbinat perfect imaginile cu muzica.......expozitia mi-a placut foarte mult!
Fotografii semnate Mihai Andries
Photography by Mihai Andries
Diplome Mihai Andries
Photography Exhibition Diplomas for Mihai Andries
About myself
I am captivated by photography. I am interested in further studying in this area; I shall consider thoroughly the ways of expression in the art of photography.
So far, I have photographs in 3 group exhibitions: "The Big Small World" 2014, "Romania 2014", "Dragobetele Kisses the Girls" 2015 (Dragobetele is a traditional Romanian celebration, close to St. Valentine's Day). Today, I exhibit a series of 6 photographs at "Details in Daily Life" - a group exhibition on a theme inspired by the movie "Smoke".
About the exhibition "RHYTHM"
I was agreeably surprised by the idea of the exhibition and by how great the exhibition looks.......perfect match of the images with the music.......I liked very much the exhibition!
Nick Costandache
Despre mine
Apreciez si cochetez cu mai multe genuri de fotografie. Urmaresc, in mod special, redarea expresiei omului enigmatic, animat, relaxat.......surprinderea expresiei cat mai naturale, surprinderea clipei.......
Marturisesc ca este mai dificil de realizat o fotografie despre oameni; mai simplu este de facut o fotografie a unor oameni.
Sunt interesat si de fotografia de eveniment; de exemplu, la spectacolele de teatru de strada pot surprinde starile oamenilor.
Pentru mine, fotografia este pasiune, destindere, munca.
Am inca mult de invatat in fotografie.
Am participat la multe expozitii de grup. Imi propun o expozitie personala.
Despre expozitia "RITM"
Am constatat cu placere faptul ca imaginile prezentate, mai ales cele alb-negru, au un farmec aparte.
M-a impresionat jocul tonurilor de gri.
Felicitari! Succes in continuare!
Fotografii semnate Nick Costandache
Photography by Nick Costandache
About myself
I appreciate and I coquette with several genres of photography.
I am particularly interested in capturing the expression of the enigmatic, full of life, relaxed capturing the most authentic expression, in capturing the moment.......
I confess that it is more difficult to take a photography about a person; much easier is to take a photography of a person.
I am also interested in the event photography; for example, at street theatre events I am able to capture the emotions of people.
To me, photography represents a passion, a relaxation, a work
I still have a lot to learn in photography.
I have exhibited photography in many group exhibitions. I intend to have a personal exhibition.
About the exhibition "RHYTHM"
I found with pleasure that the images, especially those in black-and-white, have a special gracefulness.
I was impressed by how the tones of gray interact on each other.
Congratulations! All the best in the future!
Foarte interesant! O sursa de inspiratie!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting and inspiring!
Carmen, Bucuresti
Toate meritele apartin distinselor persoane care semneaza in Cartea de Impresii.
ReplyDeleteVa multumesc pentru comentariu si va doresc toate cele bune!
All the merits belong to the distinguished persons who sign in The Visitor's Book.
Thank you very much!