Un poem fotografic - Expozitie personala de fotografie
A Photographic Poem - Personal Photography Exhibition
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copyright: Lucia Simion |
Expozitia personala de fotografie "RITM" contine 25 fotografii si 3 panouri cu versuri, in total 28 de printuri.
Modalitatea de prezentare a lucrarilor: hartie mata, fara rama.
Modalitatea de prezentare a lucrarilor: hartie mata, fara rama.
Expozitia "RITM" nu este cu vanzare.
The personal photography exhibition "RHYTHM" contains 25 photographs and 3 prints with selected poems, thereby a total of 28 prints.
The display of the works: matte paper, no frame.
The display of the works: matte paper, no frame.
The exhibition "RHYTHM" does not contain prints for sale.
Comunicat de presa / The Press Release
"RITM" este o expozitie ce indeamna sufletul la visare in acordurile concertelor de vioara semnate Johann Sebastian Bach, transmit organizatorii, care adauga ca Lucia Simion, grafician ca structura, utilizeaza aici un limbaj vizual aflat la intersectia dintre fotografie si grafica.
"RITM" este un spatiu spiritual rafinat, de care vizitatorul expozitiei este invitat sa se bucure din plin.
"RITM" este un spatiu spiritual rafinat, de care vizitatorul expozitiei este invitat sa se bucure din plin.
Lucia Simion, grafician, se afla intr-o perioada de creatie artistica in care se dedica in mod exclusiv fotografiei, precizeaza organizatorii. Ea a expus imagini, de-a lungul timpului, la Salonul Fotografului Roman, Vortex - InnerSound International New Arts Festival, Festivalul International de Fotografie "Carol Pop de Szathmari". A publicat fotografie in Israel - printre altele, eseuri fotografice pe teme sociale si de protectie a mediului.
The Press Release (the here above link):
"RHYTHM" is an exhibition that stimulates the soul to dream, surrounded by the harmony of the violin concertos by Johann Sebastian Bach.
Lucia Simion, a graphic arts artist at the core of her personality, uses here a visual language found at the intersection between photography and graphic arts.
"RHYTHM" is a refined spiritual place, which the visitor is invited to fully enjoy.
Today, Lucia Simion, a graphic arts artist, finds herself in a creative period of her life in which her work is dedicated exclusively to photography.
She exhibits photography at The Salon of the Romanian Photographer, Vortex - InnerSound International New Arts Festival, The International Festival of Photography "Carol Pop de Szathmari".
She published photography in Israel, including photographic essays on social and environmental issues.
Gandurile despre expozitie ale distinsilor vizitatori sunt notate in Cartea de Impresii.
The thoughts of the distinguished visitors of the exhibition are presented in The Visitor's Book.
Cartea de Impresii / The Visitor's Book
The thoughts of the distinguished visitors of the exhibition are presented in The Visitor's Book.
Catalog lucrari
Catalogue of works
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Selectie din versurile prezentate in expozitie |
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A selection from the poems which were included in the actual exhibition |
Le multumesc distinsilor vizitatori ai expozitiei pentru ca au petrecut cateva momente in spatiul spiritual 'RITM'
Thank you to the distinguished visitors of the exhibition for spending some moments in the 'RHYTHM' spiritual space
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