In onoarea lui Antoine de Saint-Exupery
In Honour of Antoine de Saint-Exupery
YouTube video here presented: about Antoine de Saint-Exupery
YouTube video: The AvWriter
Buna dimineata, doamnelor si domnilor!
Eu vin de pe planeta Haumea.
Micul Print este prietenul meu cel mai bun. Tatal lui, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, mi-a daruit aceasta magica umbrela care ma ajuta sa calatoresc prin timp si spatiu.
Asa ca, am venit sa vizitez si lumea voastra. WOW! Ce lucruri gasesc in ea!
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!
I come from the Planet Haumea.
The Little Prince is my best friend. His father, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, gave me as a present this magical umbrella that helps me travel through time and space.
So, I came to visit also your world. WOW! The things I find in it!
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Un fluture! Prietene, zburam impreuna!
Vrei sa vii cu mine sa ne jucam pe planeta Haumea?
A butterfly! My friend, we fly together!
Would you like to come with me to play on the Planet Haumea?
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Liniste, va rog! Ecouri din viitor.....De unde vin ele? Ma voi duce sa vad!
Silence, please! Echoes from the future.....Where are they coming from? I will go to see it!
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Astept trenul. Am intalnire cu Claude Monet in Gara Saint-Lazare.
I'm waiting for the train to come.
I am going to meet Claude Monet in the Gare Saint-Lazare. |
Prietene, deschide-ti aripile sufletului, aripile inimii si zboara acolo unde viseaza inima ta, oriunde.....zboara in inaltul cerurilor impreuna cu condorii din Anzi si caii Pegasus.....zboara deasupra oceanelor si impartaseste-ti sentimentele cu delfinii.....zboara deasupra junglei pentru a te intalni cu Unicornii.....zboara deasupra deserturilor si vorbeste cu inteleptii dragoni invesmantati in culori de curcubeu....zboara pentru a atinge luna.....zboara oriunde doreste inima ta.....
My friend, spread the wings of your soul, of your heart and fly wherever your heart high in the sky together with the Andean condors and the Pegasus above the oceans and share your feelings with the above jungles to meet the Unicorn above deserts and speak with the rainbow colored wise to reach the wherever your heart desires.....
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